The Rough Guide to Hawaii Chess


   or ”How I Learned to Love Bb5”

Our small group was called ”The Hawaii Chess Club”. We all had our moments when we played inspired chess… preferably drinking various sorts of alcoholic beverages while playing, it was in fact mandatory. We celebrated Bb5 and we built all the tactics around this move. We bent traditional square chess out of its dimensions, and when challenged by outsiders.. we normally lost big.  However, in our annual tournament on Innocent Children’s Day, we could at least beat eachother. I am still the undisputed and undefeated champ and holder of the world’s ugliest trophy (thank you Arne) since the tournaments stopped after my very strategic move here…  In lack of chess players in restaurants I started playing snooker, which somewhat actually involves thinking like in chess. I now wonder how snooker can be implemented in chess…

Everybody had different tactics on what to drink when you won or lost. To warm up properly is also recommended for all sporting endeavors. This delicate balance between nervousness and ambition, poor self-esteem and imagination, is of course plainly considered as doping and is forbidden in official chess tournaments. Including coffee. A pity. Chess was invented for drinking, coffee and cigarettes. It is in fact, a very nervous game. For this reason we complicated the rules with a handicap system, the more you won, the less time on the clock. Winning meant losing something. Losing was an alternative. The bartender or waiter had an unexpected responsibility in recommending the right redeemer for those slightly blurry demands. We developed a hard drinking chess style that sometimes reached glorious heights, from what I recall. Drunken chess however requires its man, you really have to concentrate… but it’s an unbeatable combination. Most of the time, when and if you get the hang of it.

The hot summer nights by the sea along with Bob Dylan on the old portable record player, and the old beaten chess board, we had many great nights (thanks Arne… the former champ, and a great pal). We played chess as soon as we saw a bottle. I prefer Chianti on summer nights, but wintertime is more tricky. We may not have played so well all of the time, but we surely had fun and being rigid and overly serious undermines the imagination, the simplicity… 


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