BUNKER ART – tribute to Marguerite Duras

Photo & editing: Zigge Holmgren 20140430.      Music: Arvo Pärt, ”St. John Passion – Passio”.


spiriti custodi

bunker angels
Överallt, genom alla tider och i olika förklädnader visar de sig ibland, från det gamla fallna Persiens ruiner, över Pharaos pyramider, Lazarus krypta, Hitlers bunker, Vinterkriget i Tibet, Sarajevo och nu fram till Bungenäs sönderskjutna spillror….

Back with the resistance group

Southern Uzbekistan. Back with the resistance group, rock climbing division in the mountains before the big offensive.

I was there because I was writing a book about John Huston and his family, and she figured into the story. ”Look, I never wanted to do anything, as far as motion pictures were concerned.” Then why did she? ”It’s a good living,” she shrugged, as if that was answer enough.